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Stack of books against a blurred background. (Photo by Kimberly Farmer on Unsplash)

Policy Resources

AFC works to change education policy so that the public school system serves all children effectively. We publish policy reports and data analyses, testify at the City and State levels, speak out in the press to bring attention to the challenges facing the students and families we serve, and join with other advocates, parents, youth, and educators to call for change.

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Educational Neglect: The Delivery of Educational Services to Children in New York City’s Foster Care System
Black and white photo of a young girl with her head resting on her arms.
  • Policy Report
  • Educational Neglect: The Delivery of Educational Services to Children in New York City’s Foster Care System

    This report is based on the results of surveys of foster parents, case workers, educators, social workers, and children in the foster system. It finds that the main institutions in the lives of children in foster care fail to put into place the fundamental building blocks that could help them meet with educational success.

    Jul 20, 2000

    Analysis of the Board of Education’s Change of Policy Regarding the Retention of Students
    Young girl writes on the chalkboard in a classroom. (Photo by RDNE Stock project via Pexels)
  • Issue Brief
  • Analysis of the Board of Education’s Change of Policy Regarding the Retention of Students

    This issue brief examines the September 1999 amendments to Chancellor’s Regulation A-501, which changed the promotional criteria for virtually every grade level. The brief argues that the blanket retention policy, coupled with the evisceration of the parental right to notice and the elimination of the entitlement to enrichment services, spells serious trouble for New York City students.

    Jan 12, 2000

    Neglected Buildings, Damaged Health: A ‘Snapshot’ of New York City Public School Environmental Conditions
    Façade of a New York City Public School. (Photo by Halytskyi Olexandr, Adobe Stock)
  • Policy Report
  • Neglected Buildings, Damaged Health: A ‘Snapshot’ of New York City Public School Environmental Conditions

    This report examines the results of a survey of school conditions carried out by the NYC Healthy Schools Working Group and provides a snapshot of the environmental conditions in NYC public schools. It examines the results of years of neglect of infrastructure for children and reveals disturbing new information about the environmental health of school occupants.

    Oct 1, 1999

    And Miles to Go… Barriers to Academic Achievement and Innovative Strategies for the Delivery of Educational Services to Homeless Children
    School bus drives down NYC street. (Photo by Guilherme Rossi via Pexels)
  • Policy Report
  • And Miles to Go… Barriers to Academic Achievement and Innovative Strategies for the Delivery of Educational Services to Homeless Children

    This 1991 report focuses on the educational needs of children experiencing homelessness in New York City; obstacles to obtaining schooling and available services; and innovative strategies for the delivery of educational services.

    Nov 1, 1991