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Protecting every child’s right to learn

Advocates for Children of New York has a singular vision: an equitable and inclusive school system where all students receive the education they need to maximize their potential as adults.

We fight for families

For more than 50 years, we have fought beside NYC families from under-resourced communities through a unique combination of services, all focused on protecting education rights and eliminating barriers to success so all students can thrive.
  • Ashley's Story

    AFC helped Ashley enroll in a transfer school for older students that was close to her shelter, a school that could provide the small, supportive environment Ashley needed to ensure she didn’t fall through the cracks due to instability at home

  • Omar's Story

    "I know our journey was a winding and difficult one and we thank you and your organization for helping Omar through it all so he could arrive to this point. I can't imagine how different my son's circumstances would've been without your advocacy."

  • Asha and Ayanna's Story

    For six years, AFC and pro bono attorneys represented Asha and Ayanna to make certain the girls received the support they needed to be successful in school.

    asha and ayanna with parents

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Take Action

Tell State Leaders: Don’t Shortchange NYC Schools

Governor Hochul’s Executive Budget proposes changes to the formula used to decide how much education funding school districts get from the State for each student. While the formula is out-of-date and needs updating, the Governor’s proposal would result in NYC Public Schools getting nearly $350M less than they would without these changes. Join us in asking Governor Hochul and the NYS Legislature to update the formula to give all schools the funding they need.