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Stack of books against a blurred background. (Photo by Kimberly Farmer on Unsplash)

Ressources politiques

L'AFC s'efforce de changer la politique éducative afin que le système scolaire public serve tous enfants efficacement. Nous publions des rapports politiques et des analyses de données, témoignons aux niveaux de la ville et de l'État, nous exprimons dans la presse pour attirer l'attention sur les défis auxquels sont confrontés les étudiants et les familles que nous servons, et nous nous joignons à d'autres défenseurs, parents, jeunes et éducateurs pour appeler à changement.

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AFC Testifies on Summer Rising
  • Témoignage et commentaires publics
  • AFC Testifies on Summer Rising

    Today, AFC is testifying before the New York City Council Committee on Children and Youth and Committee on Education on recommendations for how to ensure that At the same time, there is more work to do to ensure that the students with the
    greatest needs are able to fully participate in Summer Rising.

    Oct 30, 2024

    AFC Testifies on Dyslexia & Dysgraphia
    Elementary school boy with glasses reads a book while tracking the text with his finger. (Photo by pop_thailand, Adobe Stock)
  • Témoignage et commentaires publics
  • AFC Testifies on Dyslexia & Dysgraphia

    Today, AFC is testifying at a hearing of the New York State Education Department Dyslexia and Dysgraphia Task Force. Our testimony focuses on screening and intervention, emphasizing that moving the needle on literacy requires a comprehensive approach and a substantial and sustained commitment of resources.

    Oct 1, 2024
