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À propos de l'AFC

Our Mission

La mission d'Advocates for Children of New York (AFC) est d'assurer une éducation de haute qualité aux étudiants new-yorkais confrontés à des obstacles à la réussite scolaire, en se concentrant sur les étudiants issus de milieux à faible revenu.

Our Model

AFC simultaneously works side by side with students and their families, providing the one-on-one guidance and advocacy they need, while pressing for systemic reforms that benefit all students.

Our unique and flexible approach to problem-solving gets students the support they need to succeed, educates and empowers families, and drives meaningful education reform.


Free advice and legal representation

We help families of students who are struggling or experiencing discrimination in school to protect their education-related rights and obtain the educational support their children need.

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Free trainings and workshops

Our know-your-rights trainings for parents, communities, educators, and other professionals equip them to better advocate on behalf of students.

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Policy advocacy

Based on our 50 years of on the ground experience, we conduct policy advocacy that spurs change in the education system and improves education outcomes.

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Impact litigation

When real change will not happen without a court order, our impact litigation provides the most marginalized students protection under the law, gives them the opportunity to receive a quality education, and compels education reform.

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  • Étudiants handicapés

    Briana's Story

    "I wanted to let you know that Briana is doing so well!! Her reading has improved and the support she is given on a daily basis definitely has improved her confidence. I will forever be so grateful for all your help in finding her the right fit."

    Briana headed to school
  • Étudiants handicapés

    Valerie's Story

    With AFC's support, Valerie was placed in school where she has "taken a 180 degree detour": now she loves going to school, her grades have been improving, and she is even starting to read for fun again.

  • Étudiants immigrants et apprenants de la langue anglaise

    L'histoire de Michelle

    Michelle, une jeune Haïtienne de 20 ans, a émigré après le tremblement de terre, à peine un mois avant de terminer ses études secondaires. De nombreuses écoles étaient réticentes à l’accepter, étant donné le peu de temps qu’elle y passerait, mais l’AFC l’a aidée à comprendre ses options éducatives.

Learn more about the student populations we serve

Our staff of attorneys, advocates, and education specialists have successfully helped hundreds of thousands of families by providing free legal and advocacy services, including representation at school-related hearings and appeals, and teaching families what they need to know to stand up for their children’s educational rights.
