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Stack of books against a blurred background. (Photo by Kimberly Farmer on Unsplash)

Ressources politiques

L'AFC s'efforce de changer la politique éducative afin que le système scolaire public serve tous enfants efficacement. Nous publions des rapports politiques et des analyses de données, témoignons aux niveaux de la ville et de l'État, nous exprimons dans la presse pour attirer l'attention sur les défis auxquels sont confrontés les étudiants et les familles que nous servons, et nous nous joignons à d'autres défenseurs, parents, jeunes et éducateurs pour appeler à changement.

416 Results Found

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AFC Testifies on Special Education Reform
New York City City Hall Building
  • Témoignage et commentaires publics
  • AFC Testifies on Special Education Reform

    AFC testified before the Education Committee of the New York City Council regarding the Department of Education’s special education reform. Our school system needs to change how it educates students with disabilities; however, change will not yield positive results unless it is well executed and adequately financed.

    Oct 25, 2013

    AFC Submits Testimony on Significant School Changes (Closures, Reconfigurations, and Community Notification)
    New York City City Hall Building
  • Témoignage et commentaires publics
  • AFC Submits Testimony on Significant School Changes (Closures, Reconfigurations, and Community Notification)

    AFC submitted testimony to the Education Committee of the New York City Council supporting a one-year moratorium on school closings and additional community notification, but opposing a resolution giving Community Education Councils veto power over proposed co-locations.

    Oct 2, 2013

    AFC Comments on Proposed Revisions to the Federal Child Care Development Fund Regulations
    Hands of a toddler playing with wooden animals and dinosaurs. (Photo by cottonbro studio via Pexels)
  • Témoignage et commentaires publics
  • AFC Comments on Proposed Revisions to the Federal Child Care Development Fund Regulations

    AFC’s Early Childhood Education Project submitted comments on proposed revisions to the federal Child Care Development Fund regulations. Our suggestions are largely focused on two overarching goals that are of vital importance to the clients we serve: making it easier for low-income families to access subsidized child care so that their children can receive a high-quality early childhood education, and improving the ability of child care programs to serve children with special needs.

    Aug 2, 2013

    AFC Testifies on the Draft School Discipline Code for 2013-14
    Tweed Courthouse, the headquarters of the Department of Education.
  • Témoignage et commentaires publics
  • AFC Testifies on the Draft School Discipline Code for 2013-14

    AFC testified at the Discipline Code hearing, which offers the opportunity for students, parents, teachers, and advocates to offer input into the draft of the discipline code which will go into effect during the 2013-2014 school year. AFC called for the discipline code to include meaningful information regarding behavioral supports for students with disabilities. Though students with disabilities make up 12% of the NYC public school population, they receive almost 1/3 of all suspensions.

    Jun 6, 2013

    Garder les enfants à l’école et hors du tribunal : rapport et recommandations
  • Rapport de politique
  • Garder les enfants à l’école et hors du tribunal : rapport et recommandations

    Rapport de mai 2013 et recommandations du groupe de travail sur le partenariat école-justice de la ville de New York. Sous la direction de l'ancienne juge en chef Judith Kaye, le groupe de travail a réuni un groupe unique et compétent d'acteurs clés des communautés de l'éducation et de la justice qui n'avaient pas eu auparavant la chance de collaborer. Le rapport présente un plan d'action pour le prochain maire afin de réduire les suspensions, les convocations et les arrestations dans les écoles.

    30 mai 2013