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Stack of books against a blurred background. (Photo by Kimberly Farmer on Unsplash)

Ressources politiques

L'AFC s'efforce de changer la politique éducative afin que le système scolaire public serve tous enfants efficacement. Nous publions des rapports politiques et des analyses de données, témoignons aux niveaux de la ville et de l'État, nous exprimons dans la presse pour attirer l'attention sur les défis auxquels sont confrontés les étudiants et les familles que nous servons, et nous nous joignons à d'autres défenseurs, parents, jeunes et éducateurs pour appeler à changement.

217 Results Found

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L'AFC témoigne sur les politiques du DOE liées aux interactions avec les autorités fédérales de l'immigration
New York City City Hall Building
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  • L'AFC témoigne sur les politiques du DOE liées aux interactions avec les autorités fédérales de l'immigration

    AFC testified before the New York City Council Committees on Immigration, Public Safety, and Education, urging the DOE to issue guidance to address the collection of sensitive immigration information and to address the very likely situation of immigrant parents being picked up by ICE during the day, while their children are at school.

    26 avril 2017

    AFC Testifies on the New York City FY 2018 Preliminary Education Budget
    New York City City Hall Building
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  • AFC Testifies on the New York City FY 2018 Preliminary Education Budget

    AFC testified before the New York City Council Committee on Education on the fiscal year 2018 Preliminary Budget. We urge the Administration to include increased funding for DOE social workers for students living in homeless shelters. In addition, we request that the budget include additional resources to expand restorative practices and pilot a mental health support continuum in 20 high-needs schools.

    Mar 21, 2017

    L'AFC soumet un témoignage sur le maintien de l'ordre dans les écoles
    Blue light on a police car. (Photo by fotosr52, Adobe Stock)
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  • L'AFC soumet un témoignage sur le maintien de l'ordre dans les écoles

    AFC submitted testimony to the New York Advisory Committee to the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights on the policies and practices of the New York City Police Department (NYPD). Our testimony focuses on how arrests, summonses, and handcuffing of students in New York City disproportionately impacts students who are Black or who have disabilities and makes recommendations to address these significant issues.

    20 mars 2017

    L'AFC témoigne de l'impact de l'application de l'immigration sur les étudiants et les familles des écoles de New York
    New York City City Hall Building
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  • L'AFC témoigne de l'impact de l'application de l'immigration sur les étudiants et les familles des écoles de New York

    AFC testified before the New York City Council Committee on Immigration regarding the city’s plans for addressing federal immigration authorities’ requests for access to school buildings and student records.

    15 mars 2017

    AFC Testifies on School Planning and Siting for New Capacity
    New York City City Hall Building
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  • AFC Testifies on School Planning and Siting for New Capacity

    AFC testified before the New York City Council Committees on Education and Finance in support of proposed legislation that would require the Department of Education to report information on school applications, offers of admission, enrollment, and school seats available. Our testimony urges the Council to ensure there are accessible school options across the City for students, teachers, and family members with mobility, hearing, and vision needs.

    Feb 28, 2017

    AFC Testifies on the 2017–2018 State Education Budget Proposal
    New York State capitol building
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  • AFC Testifies on the 2017–2018 State Education Budget Proposal

    AFC testified at the New York State Joint Legislative Public Hearing on the 2017–2018 Elementary and Secondary Education Budget proposal, urging legislators to invest in education initiatives such as improved access to Career and Technical Education (CTE) programs for students with disabilities and English Language Learners, the development of performance-based assessments, positive approaches to discipline, and pre-kindergarten.

    Feb 14, 2017

    AFC Submits Submits Testimony on the 2017–2018 State Human Services Budget Proposal
    New York State capitol building
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  • AFC Submits Submits Testimony on the 2017–2018 State Human Services Budget Proposal

    AFC submitted testimony for the New York State Joint Legislative Public Hearing on the 2017–2018 Human Services Budget proposal, urging legislators to increase investments in child care so that more children from low-income backgrounds can access early childhood education programs.

    8 février 2017

    Lettre de l'AFC à la nouvelle secrétaire américaine à l'Éducation, Betsy DeVos
    Profile view of a girl reading a book while sitting on the floor of a library. (Photo by Eliott Reyna on Unsplash)
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  • Lettre de l'AFC à la nouvelle secrétaire américaine à l'Éducation, Betsy DeVos

    AFC sent a letter to Secretary DeVos, emphasizing the importance of the federal government’s role in ensuring that all students are safe and supported at school and urging her to prioritize strengthening public education for children at risk of academic failure or discrimination.

    8 février 2017

    AFC Testifies on the Draft School Discipline Code for 2017
    Tweed Courthouse, the headquarters of the Department of Education.
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  • AFC Testifies on the Draft School Discipline Code for 2017

    AFC testified before the NYC Department of Education Office of Safety and Youth Development on the draft citywide discipline code, urging the DOE to continue to reform our school disciplinary system to help students stay in school and reduce the disproportionately high rates of suspension experienced by Black students and students with disabilities.

    Jan 25, 2017