纽约儿童权益倡导者 (AFC) 执行董事金·斯威特 (Kim Sweet) 针对纽约州教育局 (SED) 于今天的董事会会议上提出的实施蓝丝带毕业措施委员会建议的提案发表了以下声明。
AFC 致力于改变教育政策,以便公立学校系统能够服务于 全部 儿童有效。我们发布政策报告和数据分析,在市和州两级作证,在媒体上发声,让人们关注我们所服务的学生和家庭面临的挑战,并与其他倡导者、家长、青少年和教育工作者一起呼吁改变。
More than 115 Organizations Call for Changes to New York State’s School Funding Formula
Every child in New York State has the right to a sound, basic education—and providing such an education requires adequate and equitable funding. More than 115 organizations are calling on Governor Hochul and the New York State Legislature to revamp New York’s outdated school funding formula to ensure schools have the resources necessary to provide a high-quality education to all students, with particular attention to those who have the greatest needs.24 Results Found
纽约儿童权益倡导组织 (AFC) 执行董事 Kim Sweet 针对该报道发表了以下声明: 建议 纽约州蓝丝带毕业措施委员会。
本研究简报由亚足联代表 多种文凭途径联盟,总结了有关毕业考试的研究文献,并呼吁纽约州将摄政考试与高中毕业要求脱钩。
这 多种文凭途径联盟 发布了一份有 1,200 多名纽约人签名的请愿书,呼吁州领导人永久将摄政考试与毕业要求脱钩,这一做法目前使纽约州成为美国的异类
Kim Sweet, Executive Director of Advocates for Children of New York (AFC), issued the following statement in response to new State 指导 strongly encouraging school districts to provide over-age high school students the opportunity to return to school next year to finish meeting requirements for a high school diploma, diploma endorsement or exit credential.
100 多个教育和倡导组织致信纽约州董事会和州教育部,敦促这些州再次为今年已经超龄的 21 岁学生提供在 2021-22 学年重返高中学习的机会。
纽约儿童权益倡导者 (AFC) 执行董事 Kim Sweet 针对以下问题发表了以下声明: 新的国家指导 强烈鼓励学区为超龄高中生提供明年重返学校的机会,以完成毕业要求并为高中毕业做好准备。
这份 2020 年 6 月的政策简报显示,纽约州约有 3,700 名学生今年将超过学校年龄,失去获得文凭的机会。他们大多是有色人种学生、残疾学生和英语学习者。简报呼吁州教育部发布指导意见,指导各学区允许所有未获得文凭的超龄学生明年重返高中。
More than 100 education and advocacy organizations and over five dozen parents and educators from across New York State sent a letter to the New York State Board of Regents and the State Education Department, urging them to give students who are aging out of school this year the opportunity to return to high school for the 2020-21 school year, rather than lose their chance to earn a high school diploma because of COVID-19.
纽约儿童权益倡导组织 (AFC) 执行董事 Kim Sweet 针对六月摄政考试的取消和发布 指导 纽约州教育局(NYSED)修改了受影响学生的毕业要求。