Rows of high school graduates in caps and gowns, viewed from behind. (Photo by Mat Hayward, Adobe Stock)


There are many different ways you can make a gift to help support AFC's work to protect every child's right to an education

Transfer of Stock

Donations of appreciated stock or other securities may provide you with tax benefits, while helping AFC provide critical services to our clients. To transfer stock to AFC, provide your broker with the following securities transfer information:

DTC Code: 0141
Account Number: 8112-7582
Account Name: Advocates for Children of NY Inc.
AFC’s EIN: 11-2247307
Receiving Institution: Wells Fargo Clearing Services

AFC does not receive information that identifies you as the donor when you contribute stock. Please notify us of your pending gift to ensure that you receive a prompt tax acknowledgment of your donation by contacting Edgar Trinidad, Assistant Director of Development, at etrinidad@advocatesforchildren.org 或 212-822-9512。

Donor Advised Funds

AFC appreciates when donors recommend grants from their donor advised funds. If you have a Fidelity Charitable, Schwab Charitable, or BNY Mellon DAF and would like to give, you can donate now through DAF Direct. AFC’s EIN is 11-2247307.

For questions related to DAFs, please contact Edgar Trinidad at etrinidad@advocatesforchildren.org 或 212-822-9512。


To make a gift by ACH or Wire Transfer, please contact Edgar Trinidad at etrinidad@advocatesforchildren.org 或 212-822-9512。


To make a donation by mail, please send your check to:

Advocates for Children of New York, Inc.
Attn: Ivette Greenblatt
151 West 30th Street, 5th floor
New York, NY 10001

Recurring Gifts Program



  • 每月仅需 $10 – 即可聘请专家通过我们的帮助热线为家长提供有关自闭症儿童可用的教育和支持选项的咨询。
  • 每月仅需 $25 – 提供网络研讨会,与家长和专业人士分享最新信息。
  • 每月仅 $50 – 提供三个小时的律师时间来准备和参加与教育部的会议,以解决针对困难学生的个性化教育计划 (IEP) 的争议。
  • 每月仅需 $100 – 帮助为移民父母提供专业的法律咨询,使他们能够接受优质教育。

To join our Recurring Gifts Program,  please complete the information on our 网上捐款表格.

Tribute Gifts


Your gift will help students and their families receive the expert counsel, guidance, training, and information they need to get the quality education they deserve and have a real and lasting impact on a child’s life. To make a tribute gift, be sure to complete the “In Honor” or “In Memory” fields in our 网上捐款表格.
