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Stack of books against a blurred background. (Photo by Kimberly Farmer on Unsplash)

Ressources politiques

L'AFC s'efforce de changer la politique éducative afin que le système scolaire public serve tous enfants efficacement. Nous publions des rapports politiques et des analyses de données, témoignons aux niveaux de la ville et de l'État, nous exprimons dans la presse pour attirer l'attention sur les défis auxquels sont confrontés les étudiants et les familles que nous servons, et nous nous joignons à d'autres défenseurs, parents, jeunes et éducateurs pour appeler à changement.

416 Results Found

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L'AFC appelle la ville à répondre au besoin urgent de services de maquillage pour les étudiants handicapés
Young child sits on her mother's lap while receiving speech therapy. (Photo by cherryandbees, Adobe Stock)
  • Déclaration de presse
  • L'AFC appelle la ville à répondre au besoin urgent de services de maquillage pour les étudiants handicapés

    Advocates for Children of New York (AFC) a publié la réponse suivante à la publication du rapport sur les données sur l'éducation spéciale du ministère de l'Éducation de la ville de New York (DOE) pour l'année scolaire 2020-2021.

    18 novembre 2021

    Recommandations à l'intention de la prochaine administration pour répondre aux besoins éducatifs des étudiants en situation d'itinérance
    Young girl wearing a sparkly backpack walks towards a school bus. (Photo by Angelov, Adobe Stock)
  • Programme politique
  • Lettre de signature
  • Recommandations à l'intention de la prochaine administration pour répondre aux besoins éducatifs des étudiants en situation d'itinérance

    AFC joined more than 40 organizations in releasing recommendations calling on Mayor-elect Adams to take bold action to address the educational needs of students experiencing homelessness, and to overhaul the educational support system in shelters, starting by hiring 150 shelter-based DOE Community Coordinators, and launching an interagency initiative to tackle the educational barriers these students face.

    8 novembre 2021

    Vision pour les écoles de New York : recommandations pour la prochaine administration
    Hands typing on a laptop. (Photo by wavebreak3, Adobe Stock)
  • Programme politique
  • Vision pour les écoles de New York : recommandations pour la prochaine administration

    Mayor-elect Eric Adams will take office at a time when the COVID-19 pandemic has worsened the longstanding inequities in our City’s schools. Based on our 50 years of on-the-ground experience helping students and families navigate the largest school system in the country and get the support they need to learn, we outline some of the most pressing challenges in public education — including those that pre-date COVID — where the incoming Mayor must be prepared to focus attention, energy, and resources.

    3 novembre 2021

    AFC Submits Written Testimony in Support of Intro 1829-2019
    New York City City Hall Building
  • Témoignage et commentaires publics
  • AFC Submits Written Testimony in Support of Intro 1829-2019

    AFC submitted written testimony to the City Council Committee on General Welfare in strong support of Intro. 1829-2019, which would preclude the Department of Homeless Services from requiring parents to bring their children to shelter intake appointments and help ensure students do not have to miss school when their families apply for shelter.

    Oct 27, 2021

    AFC Testifies on the DOE’s Academic Recovery Plan for 2021-22
    New York City City Hall Building
  • Témoignage et commentaires publics
  • AFC Testifies on the DOE’s Academic Recovery Plan for 2021-22

    AFC testified before the City Council Committee on Education on the continued work needed to strengthen the DOE’s academic recovery plans this year. While we appreciate that the City is using this funding for some important initiatives, we worry there is still inadequate detail about how the funding will be used, inadequate funding for key priorities, and too much discretion and responsibility left to individual schools that already have their hands full reopening schools and keeping school communities safe.

    Oct 27, 2021

    AFC Testifies on the DOE’s Use of Foundation Aid and Federal COVID-19 Relief Funding
    New York State capitol building
  • Témoignage et commentaires publics
  • AFC Testifies on the DOE’s Use of Foundation Aid and Federal COVID-19 Relief Funding

    AFC testified before the New York State Senate Education Committee on the DOE’s use of increased state and federal education funding; specifically, how the funding is being used to meet the needs of students with disabilities, English Language Learners, and students experiencing homelessness—students who were hit particularly hard by the closure of schools.

    Oct 5, 2021