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  • AFC in the News
  • Special education improvements illustrated in report followed by pressure to do better

    Nov 4, 2019

    11.04.2019 | AM New York | Only 59.2 percent of students were getting a full range of instruction in 2015, according to the DOE. But Advocates for Children of New York is calling for the DOE to break down the recent report by district, as opposed to citywide, in order for parents to understand how the figures affect their children.

    “New York City continues to fall short when it comes to educating its students with disabilities. While the percentage of City students fully receiving their recommended special education instruction continued to trend in the right direction in 2018-19, we are nevertheless dismayed that more than 15 percent of students with disabilities—a total 28,960 children, more than the total enrollment of the Yonkers public schools—still did not fully receive the instruction to which they are legally entitled,” said Kim Sweet, Executive Director of AFC. Read article