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  • Immigrant advocates press city schools to fund program for newly arrived students

    Feb 20, 2020

    02.19.2020 | Politico NY | The New York Immigration Coalition Education Collaborative, which includes the groups Advocates for Children of New York and the Flanbwayan Haitian Literacy Project, is pushing the Department of Education to develop a $6 million pilot program that would create classrooms citywide to cater to the needs of older, newcomer immigrant students.

    “We’re really trying to target that group of students — the ones that ultimately never made it inside of the school where they actually enrolled,” Rita Rodriguez-Engberg, director of AFC’s Immigrant Students’ Rights Project, told POLITICO. “They may have made it past the enrollment point and were told, ‘Sorry, you’re too old’… those youth who came from their home country thinking they can enroll in school but ultimately didn’t is really what we’re trying to target with this effort.”

    The pilot would serve approximately 600 students, to start. Read article