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About AFC

Our Mission

Advocates for Children of New York (AFC)’s mission is to ensure a high-quality education for New York students who face barriers to academic success, focusing on students from low-income backgrounds.

Our Vision:

All New York City students receive the education they need to maximize their potential as adults

Our Model

AFC simultaneously works side by side with students and their families, providing the one-on-one guidance and advocacy they need, while pressing for systemic reforms that benefit all students.

Our unique and flexible approach to problem-solving gets students the support they need to succeed, educates and empowers families, and drives meaningful education reform.


Free advice and legal representation

We help families of students who are struggling or experiencing discrimination in school to protect their education-related rights and obtain the educational support their children need.

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Free trainings and workshops

Our know-your-rights trainings for parents, communities, educators, and other professionals equip them to better advocate on behalf of students.

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Policy advocacy

Based on our 50 years of on the ground experience, we conduct policy advocacy that spurs change in the education system and improves education outcomes.

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Impact litigation

When real change will not happen without a court order, our impact litigation provides the most marginalized students protection under the law, gives them the opportunity to receive a quality education, and compels education reform.

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  • Yshamar's Story

    Yshamar has never given up, and the results of his efforts have been amazing. He has made enormous strides in reading and writing, graduated with a Regents diploma in June 2017, and is headed to community college!

  • Tavian's Story

    Tavian, an honor roll student, received a 30-day suspension for bringing over-the-counter cough medicine to school to help treat a cold. With AFC’s prompt intervention, Tavian was back in school after only 8 days, and working to make up the time he lost.

  • Angelisa's Story

    At a meeting to develop an Individualized Education Program (IEP)—held six years after Angelisa’s disabilities began impeding her academic progress—AFC successfully advocated for placement at a small, specialized school that could address Angelisa’s anxiety as well as her academic needs.

Learn more about the student populations we serve

Our staff of attorneys, advocates, and education specialists have successfully helped hundreds of thousands of families by providing free legal and advocacy services, including representation at school-related hearings and appeals, and teaching families what they need to know to stand up for their children’s educational rights.