
Stack of books against a blurred background. (Photo by Kimberly Farmer on Unsplash)


AFC 致力于改变教育政策,以便公立学校系统能够服务于 全部 儿童有效。我们发布政策报告和数据分析,在市和州两级作证,在媒体上发声,让人们关注我们所服务的学生和家庭面临的挑战,并与其他倡导者、家长、青少年和教育工作者一起呼吁改变。

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  • 话题
  • 资源类型
Neglected Buildings, Damaged Health: A ‘Snapshot’ of New York City Public School Environmental Conditions
Façade of a New York City Public School. (Photo by Halytskyi Olexandr, Adobe Stock)
  • 政策报告
  • Neglected Buildings, Damaged Health: A ‘Snapshot’ of New York City Public School Environmental Conditions

    This report examines the results of a survey of school conditions carried out by the NYC Healthy Schools Working Group and provides a snapshot of the environmental conditions in NYC public schools. It examines the results of years of neglect of infrastructure for children and reveals disturbing new information about the environmental health of school occupants.

    Oct 1, 1999