AFC testified before the City Council’s Education Committee about diversity in NYC schools. Ensuring that students from diverse backgrounds have access to high-achieving schools and programs is critical, but is only one step. As the City Council strives to ensure that every school and program in NYC serves a diverse group of students, the City and DOE need to prepare schools to provide an excellent education to these students. Schools need resources, training, and the development of specialized programs to meet the needs of all students, including English Language Learners and students with disabilities.
AFC 致力于改变教育政策,以便公立学校系统能够服务于 全部 儿童有效。我们发布政策报告和数据分析,在市和州两级作证,在媒体上发声,让人们关注我们所服务的学生和家庭面临的挑战,并与其他倡导者、家长、青少年和教育工作者一起呼吁改变。
More than 115 Organizations Call for Changes to New York State’s School Funding Formula
Every child in New York State has the right to a sound, basic education—and providing such an education requires adequate and equitable funding. More than 115 organizations are calling on Governor Hochul and the New York State Legislature to revamp New York’s outdated school funding formula to ensure schools have the resources necessary to provide a high-quality education to all students, with particular attention to those who have the greatest needs.70 Results Found
AFC 向纽约州教育部提交了关于纽约州《初等和中等教育法案》(ESEA)灵活性豁免拟议修正案的意见。AFC 对针对残疾学生和英语学习者测试的修正案发表了意见。
该报告由亚足联和 亚裔美国人法律辩护和教育基金会(AALDEF),为纽约州建立完善的 ELL 问责框架制定了关键原则。
纽约市公立学校有超过 15,000 名学生在来到美国之前已经辍学两年或两年以上。这些学生被称为“中断正规教育的学生” (SIFE),他们给试图提高英语学习者 (ELL) 的 40% 按时毕业率的教育工作者带来了特殊挑战。本报告研究了 SIFE 人口的数据,介绍了十二名本应被学校认定为 SIFE 的移民学生,并利用他们的经历来展示纽约市教育局和各个学校如何努力满足他们的需求,但往往无法满足。
亚足联和 亚裔美国人法律辩护和教育基金 (AALDEF) 研究了布鲁克林两所大型高中的重组,以了解小型学校运动对英语学习者 (ELL) 的影响。该报告说明了这场运动如何导致英语学习者(该市毕业率最低的群体之一)的选择越来越少,或者干脆被抛在后面。
纽约市公立学校的 60% 以上儿童是移民或移民子女,但这份 2009 年的报告显示,移民家庭在参与子女教育方面面临重大障碍。这份与全市移民倡导者和社区团体合作撰写的报告显示,许多移民父母仍然被排除在学校活动和领导机会之外。该报告提供了一些具体的解决方案,用于在学校、移民父母和社区领导人之间建立更强大、更有意义的伙伴关系。
An estimated 138,000 New York City students are over-age and under-credited and are out of school or at-risk for dropping out. The New York City Department of Education began creating new programming specifically for these students, but some students are left with dead ends under the current system. This briefing paper examines the ability of the new schools to meet the instructional needs of English Language Learners (ELLs), students with special education needs, students who are older with few or no credits, and students who are pregnant and parenting.
本报告由亚足联和 纽约移民联盟 代表移民和难民教育公平监测项目 (EMPIRE) 的一份报告发现,城市学校的翻译和口译服务仍然不足。该报告强调了家长会和重要学校活动期间语言使用方面存在重大差距。
亚足联和 纽约移民联盟 使用纽约市教育局的入学数据来检查小型和大型学校中英语学习者 (ELL) 和移民学生的代表性,以及在移民学生人数众多且不断增长的地区尚未建立小型高中的程度。
亚足联和 纽约移民联盟 揭露了在向英语水平有限的家长提供语言援助服务方面存在严重失误。