مواد پر جائیں۔

Stack of books against a blurred background. (Photo by Kimberly Farmer on Unsplash)

پالیسی وسائل

AFC تعلیمی پالیسی کو تبدیل کرنے کے لیے کام کرتا ہے تاکہ پبلک اسکول سسٹم کام کر سکے۔ تمام بچوں کو مؤثر طریقے سے. ہم پالیسی رپورٹس اور ڈیٹا کے تجزیے شائع کرتے ہیں، سٹی اور ریاستی سطحوں پر گواہی دیتے ہیں، ہم جن طلباء اور خاندانوں کی خدمت کرتے ہیں ان کو درپیش چیلنجوں کی طرف توجہ دلانے کے لیے پریس میں بات کرتے ہیں، اور دیگر وکلاء، والدین، نوجوانوں اور معلمین کے ساتھ شامل ہوتے ہیں۔ تبدیلی

167 Results Found

کی طرف سے فلٹر
  • موضوع
  • وسائل کی قسم
شمولیت: خصوصی تعلیم کے طلباء کو باقاعدہ تعلیمی کلاس رومز میں رکھنے کے تحفظات اور حقوق
Girl in a striped shirt holding a ball. (Photo by Nicola Barts via Pexels)
  • پالیسی رپورٹ
  • شمولیت: خصوصی تعلیم کے طلباء کو باقاعدہ تعلیمی کلاس رومز میں رکھنے کے تحفظات اور حقوق

    1990 کی یہ رپورٹ شمولیت کے تحفظات اور حقوق، معذور بچے کے لیے شمولیت کے حصول کے عمل، اپیل کے عمل، اور خاص معذوروں کے لیے شمولیت سے پیدا ہونے والے مسائل پر بحث کرتی ہے۔

    12 جنوری 1990

    Learning in Limbo: The Educational Deprivation of Homeless Children
  • پالیسی رپورٹ
  • Learning in Limbo: The Educational Deprivation of Homeless Children

    This 1989 report reviews the research literature on the impact of homelessness on children’s education, analyzes data collected via field-based interviews with 277 families of school-age children residing in New York City’s shelter system, and makes recommendations for how the City can better meet the educational needs of students who are homeless.

    Sep 11, 1989

    Public High Schools, Private Admissions: A Report on New York City Practices
    A drawing of
  • پالیسی رپورٹ
  • Public High Schools, Private Admissions: A Report on New York City Practices

    This 1985 report describes how selective unzoned public high school programs pick and choose among applicants, and how students from low-income, predominantly minority school districts are adversely affected in the process. The report urges the Chancellor to spearhead an overhaul of high school admissions policies and procedures and makes recommendations for change.

    Nov 11, 1985

    Report of the New York Hearing on the Crisis in Public Education
  • پالیسی رپورٹ
  • Report of the New York Hearing on the Crisis in Public Education

    This report examines the May 1984 public hearing on Our Children at Risk: The Crisis in Public Education that was organized by Advocates for Children of New York and co-sponsored by Statewide Youth Advocacy. The hearing focused on three areas that are key to inequity: the denial of equal access to school resources, the denial of equal quality in the learning process, and the denial of open futures in the link between school and work.

    Jan 29, 1985

    Lost Children: A Descriptive Study of the System for the Education of Emotionally Handicapped Children in the City of New York
  • پالیسی رپورٹ
  • Lost Children: A Descriptive Study of the System for the Education of Emotionally Handicapped Children in the City of New York

    This 1974 report details the system of educational services for children with emotional and behavioral disabilities in New York City, focusing on students of color and students from low-income families. The report, which is based on interviews and field research conducted between 1972 and 1974, shines a light on the discriminatory education and support services provided to low-income students with disabilities.

    Jun 30, 1974