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Students with Disabilities

Advocates for Children of New York has been protecting and promoting the educational rights of students with disabilities since 1971. As a result, we have unparalleled experience and expertise in special education, particularly in the New York City schools. All of AFC’s projects involve special education advocacy to some extent, as they target specific populations that tend to include a disproportionate share of students with disabilities.

AFC’s Project Thrive offers free legal representation and in-depth case advocacy to low-income families who need support obtaining appropriate school services for preschool and school-aged children with disabilities.

Our Parent Center helps families navigate the school system through free NYC educational rights workshops, community education events in English or Spanish, and a wide array of free know-your-rights resources.

In 2008, AFC founded the ARISE Coalition, a diverse group of parents, educators, and advocates working together to improve the education of students with disabilities in New York City’s public schools. AFC continues to coordinate and lead the coalition.

  • Briana's Story

    "I wanted to let you know that Briana is doing so well!! Her reading has improved and the support she is given on a daily basis definitely has improved her confidence. I will forever be so grateful for all your help in finding her the right fit."

    Briana headed to school
  • Angenis' Story

    "Angenis has made great progress and is finally reading. He is much more confident and happy now, and I have hope for his future."

  • Tayloni's Story

    My mom always says, “Tayloni, don’t let your mishap define you. If you’re having a problem, get AFC on the phone!"

  • Lillian's Story

    "She’s about to graduate and she’s a whole new child. She would never participate in anything before, and now she’s in all the plays, she joined the choir, she’s playing instruments, spending so much time with her friends."

    lillian and her mother at her high school graduation
  • Anselmo's Story

    "Without my AFC advocate, I would not have even known there were programs available for students like Anselmo."

    anselmo in front of niagra falls, wearing a purple yankees cap and glasses

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AFC's Parent Center

Supported by a five-year grant from the United States Department of Education, AFC leads the New York Region 1 Parent Training and Information Center Collaborative. The Collaborative, which coordinates the parent centers for New York City and Long Island, includes Sinergia, IncludeNYC, and the Long Island Advocacy Center. We are also proud members of the New York State Parent Network.

Guides, tip sheets, and educational resources

Find more guides and resources on special education, in English and other languages, in our resource library

Webinars, workshops, and trainings

Our free trainings and workshops provide important information to help parents, communities, and professionals advocate effectively on behalf of their children