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Students Navigating High School and Beyond

AFC’s Postsecondary Readiness Project works with older students who need support in high school and beyond. We help students find educational programs that are right for them, including programs that offer more academic support and help prepare for life after school. When needed, we advocate to secure school placements and services for older students with disabilities. We also support students with disabilities as they plan for college and jobs, apply for social services, and otherwise prepare to live independently.

Through this work, AFC identifies trends and advocates for policy changes to expand access to special education services, work-based learning, and graduation pathways. We also offer workshops for NYC parents, youth, and service providers about the rights and options available to older students navigating high school and beyond.

  • Meet our team

    Alex Elegudin

    Postsecondary Readiness Project Director

    Daniela Garcia-Casares

    Social Work Manager and Transition Specialist

  • Angelisa's Story

    At a meeting to develop an Individualized Education Program (IEP)—held six years after Angelisa’s disabilities began impeding her academic progress—AFC successfully advocated for placement at a small, specialized school that could address Angelisa’s anxiety as well as her academic needs.

  • Christian's Story

    AFC was able to secure bilingual remedial tutoring for Christian to help make up for all the years the DOE failed to provide him with an appropriate education.

  • Laura's Story

    When Laura first came to AFC, she was struggling in school with a learning disability and severe anxiety, and failing all of her classes. With AFC's support and intervention, Laura has grown academically and emotionally at a smaller, more appropriate school placement

  • Richard's Story

    Richard was struggling to finish his last few high school credits and remaining Regents exams to graduate. AFC successfully advocated for tutoring, assistive technology, and testing accommodations that helped Richard cross the finish line and earn his diploma!

    Richard on graduation day

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Guides, tip sheets, and educational resources

Get information about different pathways to high school graduation, accessing social services, and preparing for the transition out of high school.

Webinars, workshops, and trainings

AFC provides free workshops and know-your-rights trainings for parents, students, and professionals