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Jake’s Story

Jake on the first day of school, September 2014.
jake in front of school building wearing backpack

Jake is a warm, sociable 10-year-old who is in fifth grade. When he was referred to AFC, he had been struggling in school for several years and was far below grade level, especially in reading. Though Jake had been identified as needing special education services for a learning disability, his school had failed to provide the support he needed to make progress, and he was in a classroom with students who were much lower-functioning and who had significant emotional challenges. After getting Jake a comprehensive evaluation, AFC secured his placement in a new school, where he could be with more appropriate peers and receive individualized attention and specialized support for his learning needs. We also obtained additional tutoring services to help him catch up in reading.

Jake’s mom wrote us after his first day at his new school, “I don’t usually get weepy the first day of school. I was totally fine when he boarded the bus. I think his dad was more nervous than Jake was! But when I went to retrieve him off the bus and asked him how his day was and he responded, ‘it was great, I love that school,’ I was so teary! We are so grateful to the both of you and so excited to start the new year.” 

Jake quickly settled in and has been thriving at his new school. He even made the honor roll! In sharing their family’s story, Jake’s mom says, “It’s my hope it will remind parents not to give up! I thank you so much for your dedication to my family, it literally changed our lives and we’ll forever be grateful.”