Today, AFC is submitting written comments for the State Early Intervention Coordinating Council meeting, calling on Governor Hochul to move forward immediately with the 5% payment increase for in-person Early Intervention services promised last January to help address the shortage of service providers.
Policy Resources
AFC works to change education policy so that the public school system serves all children effectively. We publish policy reports and data analyses, testify at the City and State levels, speak out in the press to bring attention to the challenges facing the students and families we serve, and join with other advocates, parents, youth, and educators to call for change.
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Today, AFC is testifying before the New York City Council Committee on Children and Youth and Committee on Education on recommendations for how to ensure that the students with the greatest needs are able to fully participate in Summer Rising.
AFC submitted comments about the proposal to amend section 200.5 of the Regulations of the Commissioner, regarding the ability of parents to file due process complaints seeking the implementation of services recommended on an Individualized Education Services Plan (“IESP”).
Today, AFC is testifying before the New York City Council Committee on General Welfare, jointly with the New York City Council Committee on Women and Gender Equity on supporting domestic violence survivors in NYC’s shelter system.
AFC submitted comments about proposed changes to Chancellor’s Regulation A-820 regarding access to educational records.
Today, AFC is testifying at a hearing of the New York State Education Department Dyslexia and Dysgraphia Task Force. Our testimony focuses on screening and intervention, emphasizing that moving the needle on literacy requires a comprehensive approach and a substantial and sustained commitment of resources.
Today, AFC and the ARISE Coalition (coordinated by AFC) are testifying before the New York City Council Committee on Education and Committee on Contracts about necessary upgrades to ensure students have safe, reliable, on-time transportation to school.
AFC submitted comments to the Rockefeller Institute of Government about the state Foundation Aid education funding formula. New York State must revise the formula to meet the needs of today’s schools and students, including students who need the most support.
Today, AFC is submitting comments regarding the proposed amendments to Chancellor’s Regulation A-411, and ways to further strengthen A-411 to emphasize that schools must support students, de-escalate behavior, and not use punitive measures – such as calling 911 – to respond to students in emotional crisis.
Today, AFC is testifying before the New York City Council Committee on Education regarding Intro. 266, establishing a bullying prevention task force; Intro. 399, requiring reporting on compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act; Intro. 733, requiring reporting on Career and Technical Education; and Intro. 771, requiring distribution of information on interpretation services.