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Stack of books against a blurred background. (Photo by Kimberly Farmer on Unsplash)

Policy Resources

AFC works to change education policy so that the public school system serves all children effectively. We publish policy reports and data analyses, testify at the City and State levels, speak out in the press to bring attention to the challenges facing the students and families we serve, and join with other advocates, parents, youth, and educators to call for change.

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AFC Commends the Decision to Modify Graduation Exam Requirements in Light of COVID-19
Student's hand holding pencil and filling in a bubble on an answer sheet for a math exam. (Photo by Achira22, Adobe Stock)
  • Press Statement
  • AFC Commends the Decision to Modify Graduation Exam Requirements in Light of COVID-19

    Kim Sweet, Executive Director of Advocates for Children of New York (AFC), issued the following statement in response to the cancellation of the June Regents exams and the release of guidance from the New York State Education Department (NYSED) modifying graduation requirements for impacted students.

    Apr 7, 2020

    Waiting for a Seat: The Shortage of Preschool Special Education Class Seats in New York City
    Preschool girl drawing at a table in a classroom. (Image by on Freepik)
  • Policy Report
  • Waiting for a Seat: The Shortage of Preschool Special Education Class Seats in New York City

    As a result of years of under-investment by the State in preschool special education programs, New York is falling far short of providing all children with the preschool special education classes they need and have a legal right to receive. This policy brief shows a projected shortfall of more than 1,000 preschool special education class seats for New York City children with disabilities for spring 2020.

    Jan 30, 2020

    Early Inequities: How Underfunding Early Intervention Leaves Low-Income Children of Color Behind
    Toddler playing with educational toys.
  • Policy Report
  • Early Inequities: How Underfunding Early Intervention Leaves Low-Income Children of Color Behind

    This December 2019 report, published in partnership with Citizens’ Committee for Children of New York (CCC), shows that State disinvestment in New York’s Early Intervention program has caused major racial and socio-economic disparities in access to services. The report shows that children under the age of three with developmental delays or disabilities are less likely to receive critical services that could help them reach their full potential if they live in low-income neighborhoods of color, and makes a number of recommendations to New York City and New York State in order to increase access to Early Intervention services.

    Dec 4, 2019