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Policy Resources

AFC works to change education policy so that the public school system serves all children effectively. We publish policy reports and data analyses, testify at the City and State levels, speak out in the press to bring attention to the challenges facing the students and families we serve, and join with other advocates, parents, youth, and educators to call for change.

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Out of School and Unprepared: The Need to Improve Support for Students with Disabilities Transitioning to Adulthood
Hand of a teenage boy manipulating a joystick. (Photo by Cultura Creative, Adobe Stock)
  • Policy Report
  • Out of School and Unprepared: The Need to Improve Support for Students with Disabilities Transitioning to Adulthood

    In March 2011, the ARISE Coalition, a group of parents, educators, advocates and other supporters of students with disabilities coordinated by Advocates for Children of New York (AFC), released this policy paper calling on New York City and New York State to follow the law with respect to transition planning and to give post-secondary transition for students with special education needs the same high priority they are beginning to give college and career readiness for other students.

    Mar 2, 2011

    Students with Interrupted Formal Education: A Challenge for the New York City Public Schools
    A female high school teacher stands at the front of a classroom; two male students raise their hands. (Photo by pop_thailand, Adobe Stock)
  • Policy Report
  • Students with Interrupted Formal Education: A Challenge for the New York City Public Schools

    There are more than 15,000 students in the New York City public schools who came to this country having missed two years or more of schooling. These students – known as Students with Interrupted Formal Education (SIFE) – present particular challenges for educators trying to raise the 40% on-time graduation rate for English Language Learners (ELLs). This report examines the data on the SIFE population, profiles twelve immigrant students who should have been identified as SIFE by their schools, and uses their experiences to show how the New York City Department of Education and individual schools try and often fail to meet their needs.

    May 26, 2010

    Empty Promises: A Case Study of Restructuring and the Exclusion of English Language Learners in Two Brooklyn High Schools
    Midsections of two teenage girls with backpacks walking on the sidewalk carrying notebooks. (Photo by Zen Chung from Pexels)
  • Policy Report
  • Empty Promises: A Case Study of Restructuring and the Exclusion of English Language Learners in Two Brooklyn High Schools

    This 2009 report by AFC and the Asian American Legal Defense and Education Fund (AALDEF) studied the restructuring of two large Brooklyn high schools to understand how the small schools movement impacted English Language Learners (ELLs). The report illustrates how as a result of this movement, ELLs—who experience some of the lowest graduation rates in the city—are left with fewer and fewer options or are simply left behind.

    Jun 16, 2009

    Educate! Include! Respect! A Call for School Reform to Improve the Educational Experiences of Students with Disabilities in New York City
  • Policy Report
  • Educate! Include! Respect! A Call for School Reform to Improve the Educational Experiences of Students with Disabilities in New York City

    The past seven years of education reform have not significantly improved outcomes, experiences or services for New York City’s 160,000 public school students with disabilities, according to Educate! Include! Respect!, a report issued April 2009 by the ARISE Coalition, a group of parents, educators, advocates, and other supporters of students with disabilities coordinated by AFC.

    Apr 23, 2009

    Our Children, Our Schools: A Blueprint for Creating Partnerships Between Immigrant Families and New York City Public Schools
    A young boy in an orange sweater stands between two adults, holding each of their hands.
  • Policy Report
  • Our Children, Our Schools: A Blueprint for Creating Partnerships Between Immigrant Families and New York City Public Schools

    Over 60% of children in New York City public schools are immigrants or the children of immigrants, but this 2009 report shows that immigrant families face significant obstacles to participating in their children’s education. The report, written in collaboration with immigrant advocates and community groups throughout the city, shows that many immigrant parents remain shut out of school activities and leadership opportunities. The report offers a number of concrete solutions for building stronger and more meaningful partnerships between schools, immigrant parents, and community leaders.

    Mar 18, 2009

    School Pushout: Where Are We Now?
    Two teenage boys wearing backpacks climb the stairs in the subway. (Photo by Armin Rimoldi from Pexels)
  • Issue Brief
  • School Pushout: Where Are We Now?

    This issue brief summarizes the findings of AFC’s survey of 145 New York City youth on the factors that cause students to leave school.  The brief provides insight into the educational experiences and aspirations of out-of-school youth in New York City.

    Feb 21, 2008

    Dead Ends: The Need for More Pathways to Graduation for Over-Age, Under-Credited Students in New York City
    Older male student writing on a table at the front of a classroom. (Photo by Jeswin Thomas from Pexels)
  • Policy Report
  • Dead Ends: The Need for More Pathways to Graduation for Over-Age, Under-Credited Students in New York City

    An estimated 138,000 New York City students are over-age and under-credited and are out of school or at-risk for dropping out. The New York City Department of Education began creating new programming specifically for these students, but some students are left with dead ends under the current system. This briefing paper examines the ability of the new schools to meet the instructional needs of English Language Learners (ELLs), students with special education needs, students who are older with few or no credits, and students who are pregnant and parenting.

    Dec 10, 2007

    Transitioning to Nowhere: An Analysis of the Planning and Provision of Transition Services to Students with Disabilities in New York City
    Principal talking with teenage boy while sitting in office. (Photo by Cavan for Adobe, Adobe Stock)
  • Policy Report
  • Transitioning to Nowhere: An Analysis of the Planning and Provision of Transition Services to Students with Disabilities in New York City

    Approximately 13,000 students with disabilities exit the New York City public school system each year. This report examines the efforts of the NYC Department of Education to prepare these youth for independent living, vocational training, employment, higher education, and other post-secondary opportunities.

    Sep 1, 2007