For all the student populations AFC serves, we work with partner organizations to reach more students and families, share information and expertise, and harness our collective force for change. Our partnerships include leading or serving on numerous coalitions and task forces focused on improving education and furthering reform.
AFC also partners with many of New York’s leading law firms to provide pro bono legal support to families needing representation through our Pro Bono Partners Program.
Robin Hood Project
Since 2004, AFC has partnered with agencies supported by Robin Hood to provide legal advocacy and in-depth case assistance to at-risk families on education-related matters. In addition, our Robin Hood Project staff also conducts trainings and workshops to build the capacity of our partner agencies to identify and address issues on their own.
We work with a variety of community-based organizations funded by Robin Hood in areas like domestic violence, early childhood programming, education, health care, juvenile justice, and temporary housing. They include:
- Ali Forney Center
- Avenues for Justice
- Bloomingdale Family Program
- Center for Babies, Toddlers and Families/Early Childhood Center (CBTF/ECC) at Montefiore
- GO Project
- Goddard Riverside Community Center
- Good Shepherd Services
- Lenox Hill Hospital’s Center for Attention and Learning
- Mt. Sinai Adolescent Health Center
- PROMISE PROJECT at Columbia University Medical Center
- Safe Horizon
- Sanctuary for Families
- SCO Family of Services
- Voces Latinas