I need an advocate
How can I get an advocate or an attorney from AFC to help me?
To learn more about whether AFC can represent you, please send us a message or call our Helpline: (866) 427-6033.
To qualify for representation, your family must meet AFC’s income guidelines, which are based on the annual income(s) of a household and the number of people in the family.
When you call, one of AFC’s educational specialists will review what is going on with your child and learn more about what you need help with. Try to have any relevant documents handy when you call our Helpline. We may ask you to send us copies of documents so we can review them. Our Helpline team reviews cases for representation under the supervision of an attorney, but because AFC has limited resources, we can’t take every case. Often, we can help in more limited ways, like contacting someone at the NYC Public Schools directly to alert them to your case and ask them to help.
Please note that this process may take some time, and not all cases are accepted for representation. In the event a family does not meet the criteria, we will still provide information, resources, and referrals.
Suspensions and Bullying
My child was suspended from school. What do I do now?
If your child was suspended, you should receive a suspension notice in writing. If you don’t receive a notice, you should follow up with the school, and if it’s a superintendent’s suspension, with the superintendent’s office. For more information, please see our resources on discipline.
My child has been bullied in school. What are our rights?
You can start by documenting any instances of bullying and reporting them to your child’s school’s Respect for All (RFA) Liaison, which can be found on the school’s DOE webpage. See more of our resources about bullying.
What should I do if I think my child needs to be evaluated for special education or needs new evaluations?
You have a right to ask for evaluations if you are concerned about how your child is doing and think they need more support. Be specific about why you are asking for an evaluation and, if you know, what kind of evaluation you are asking for. Learn more in our Guide to Special Education Evaluations.
How often should my child be evaluated?
A student who is receiving special education services must be re-evaluated at least once every three years. You can ask for new evaluations sooner than that if you think your child needs more help or different evaluations are needed. Learn more in our Guide to Special Education Evaluations.
IEPs (Individualized Education Programs)
What is an IEP and how can it help my child?
An IEP, or Individualized Education Program, outlines the specific special education services, placement, and accommodations required for a child. It is a legal document, and the school must follow and provide everything on the IEP. The IEP should be based on your child’s needs and is crucial in ensuring your child’s right to a Free Appropriate Public Education (FAPE). For more information, please see our special education guides and resources.
How do I start the IEP process?
You can ask your child’s school psychologist and school-based support team for initial evaluations to see whether your child qualifies for an IEP. Make sure to put this request in writing. You can also share your concerns and mention any specific services you think would benefit your child. For more information, please see our special education guides and resources.
What should I do if I think my child needs an IEP or if my child’s current IEP doesn’t recommend what they need?
If you think your child needs special education services through an Individualized Education Program (“IEP”), or if your child already has an IEP and you think they need different supports or services, you can ask for a meeting to create a new IEP. For more information, please see our special education guides and resources.
School Placement
I need to find a school for my child. Where do I go?
AFC has resources for different enrollment options depending on the age and needs of your child. For more information, see our guides and resources on enrollment.
I am unhappy with my child’s current school. Can we transfer to a different school?
There are many different types of transfers available. You can ask for a transfer by reaching out to the Family Welcome Center in your district. For more information, see our tip sheet on requesting a transfer, also available in Spanish.
Related Services
My child has not received their related service. What can I do?
If the school is unable to provide the related services on your child’s IEP, the school staff should give you a Related Service Authorization Form (RSA), which is a voucher that allows you to get these services for your child outside of the school as long as a provider has the right license in NYS and is willing to go through the DOE’s process to be paid.
You can also email relatedservices@schools.nyc.gov along with specialeducation@schools.nyc.gov to request help getting the services in place.
If you need an increased rate, ask the school and email your request to relatedservices@schools.nyc.gov.
Charter Schools
My child attends a charter school. What are their rights?
Charter schools are public schools, but they don’t have to follow all the same rules and policies as traditional public schools. To learn more about your child’s rights in charter schools, please see our guides and resources on Charter Schools.
Transportation Issues
My child is not getting transportation services, even though it is included on their IEP. What can I do?
Speak to the Transportation Liaison at your child’s school, put in a complaint to the Office of Pupil Transportation (OPT), and contact the bus company. You should call every time there is an issue and get complaint numbers for each instance. If you are still having issues, please reach out to our Helpline for additional assistance.
You can find out more about your transportation rights in our guide to Arranging Transportation Services.
I have a different question
I have a media inquiry
Please contact Leah Kramer, Communications Associate, at lkramer@advocatesforchildren.org or (646) 871-6739.
I am a student working on a project and want to learn more about AFC
This Student FAQ answers some of the questions we most often receive from students each semester. If you have other questions that are not addressed, please contact Leah Kramer, Communications Associate, at lkramer@advocatesforchildren.org or (646) 871-6739.
I have a question about fundraising
Please contact Ivette Greenblatt, Director of Development, at igreenblatt@advocatesforchildren.org or (212) 822-9529.