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Students Learning to Read

One of the most fundamental responsibilities of schools is to teach children how to read, and there is a mountain of scientific research on how to do so effectively. Yet far too many NYC students struggle to become skilled readers.

Every year, AFC hears from hundreds of parents whose children are struggling with reading and are unable to get the help they desperately need at their public schools. In addition to our casework, AFC has been a staunch advocate for policies that improve literacy instruction and provide targeted interventions to those who need extra support.

  • Étudiants handicapés

    Julius' Story

    "Julius is coming home excited to read to me!!! In such short time, he’s already making great progress. Thank you so much for everything you’ve done for us!"

  • Étudiants handicapés

    Josh's Story

    Josh was an incredibly motivated and eager student who made enormous progress when he received the support and specialized instruction he needed. After less than six months, he had already jumped to a 4th/5th grade reading level.

Le dernier

Sauver les programmes éducatifs clés financés par les fonds fédéraux COVID-19 arrivant à expiration

The NYC school system has been using temporary federal COVID-19 relief funds for critical education programs, including dyslexia screens and literacy supports, but the funds will run out in 2024 and there's no plan for what comes next. Help us call on elected leaders to continue these programs.

Guides, fiches de conseils et ressources pédagogiques

Webinaires, ateliers et formations

L'AFC propose des ateliers gratuits et des formations sur la connaissance de vos droits pour les parents, les étudiants et les professionnels.
