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  • L’AFC et Girls for Gender Equity appellent à un plan de réouverture réparateur pour l’année scolaire 2020-21

    Advocates for Children and Girls for Gender Equity (GGE) shared recommendations with Chancellor Carranza for a developing reopening plans are trauma-informed, culturally-responsive, grounded in restorative practices, and geared towards developing healing-centered school communities.

    28 août 2020

    High school teacher and students in a science classroom, wearing protective face masks. (Photo by Rich Legg, iStock)
    Photo by Rich Legg, iStock

    The 2019-2020 school year presented historic challenges to the New York City Department of Education (DOE) and the 2020-2021 school year is presenting similar, if not greater, challenges. The COVID-19 pandemic, amplified by systemic racism, has disproportionately harmed historically marginalized groups within the DOE community. As school community members face incalculable hardship, fostering a healthy and safe school climate for all students in every learning setting is of the utmost importance.

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