A guide to public education programs for 3 and 4-year-olds for the 2025-26 school year. This guide provides information on free/low-cost early childhood programs in New York City, including Pre-K, 3-K, Infant & Toddler programs, and Head Start, and how to find and apply to those programs.

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We understand how difficult it can be to navigate the New York City Department of Education. Parents can spend an enormous amount of time researching different programs or simply trying to understand their child’s school-related rights.
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This guide explains the kindergarten admissions process and answers frequently asked questions. Includes information for families of students with disabilities, ELLs, and students in temporary housing.
New York State students with severe cognitive disabilities may take a different statewide exam than their peers, the NYSAA. This FAQ, developed in partnership with our NY Region 1 Parent Training & Information Center (PTIC) Collaborative partners, answers questions about the test, including who is eligible, how to know whether your child is assessed using alternate or standard assessments, how the NYSAA impacts diploma options, and more.
A quick overview of the two processes that families of children with disabilities participate in as part of the transition to kindergarten: 1) applying to kindergarten and 2) creating the kindergarten Individualized Education Program (“IEP”).
This guide provides an overview of the kindergarten placement process for students who need school-aged special education services, including more detailed information on eligibility, referral, evaluations, Turning 5 IEP meeting, kindergarten placements, and what to do if a placement is inappropriate.
This guide is a comprehensive overview of the transition from preschool to kindergarten for children with disabilities. Answers frequently asked questions about the kindergarten IEP meeting and special education programs and services available for kindergarten students.
This guide gives tips on how to defend a student who is facing a Superintendent Suspension. Superintendent suspensions are issued for more serious behavior, when the principal asks the superintendent to suspend the student from school for 6-20 school days.
Below are tips for how to troubleshoot and resolve some of the most frequent issues with transportation services for NYC students.
This tip sheet explains the high school admissions process in NYC and gives families tips for applying to public high schools.
This tip sheet explains the middle school admissions process in NYC and gives families tips for applying to public middle schools.