Advocates for Children of New York strives to employ a diverse staff that furthers our mission of ensuring a high-quality education for New York students who face barriers to academic success, focusing on students from low-income backgrounds.
AFC values a diverse workforce, in the sense that staff members reflect our client base and the communities we serve, including, but not limited to, race, color, religion, national origin, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, disability, and socioeconomic background. We believe our staff should reflect our organizational values of inclusion and opportunity for people in traditionally oppressed groups and broaden and deepen AFC’s ability to identify social problems and, in particular, to develop community-informed solutions. AFC is rooted in New York City, one of the world’s most heterogeneous cities; the diversity of our staff demonstrates that we are part of, not apart from, the city in which we live and work.
The staff demographics below were captured in an employee survey distributed in November 2024.
Gender Identity
85% identify as female
11% identify as male
2% identify as transgender
2% prefer to self-describe
Staff could designate more than one option
Asian 7%
American Indian/Indigenous/Alaskan Native 11%
Black or African descendant 20%
Latinx/Hispanic 31%
White 52%
Prefer to self-describe 3%
Sexual Orientation
Gay, lesbian, bisexual, or queer 20%
Staff member with a disability 26%
Staff member with an immediate family member with a disability 50%
Socioeconomic Background
Staff member has lived in an economically disadvantaged, working class, poor or low-income family 57%
Immigrant Background
Staff member is an immigrant to the U.S. 13%
Staff member with an immediate family member who is an immigrant to the U.S. 52%
DOE Attendance
Staff member attended an NYC DOE school 39%
Staff member with an immediate family member who attended or currently attends an NYC DOE school 33%
Staff member with children who attended or currently attend an NYC DOE school 26%