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  • NYC high school grad rates tick upward, though racial disparities remain

    Feb 27, 2023

    02.02.2023 | NY Daily News | “The numbers continue to tick up a little bit from year to year, but we’re still seeing broad disparities,” said Juliet Eisenstein, a staff attorney at Advocates for Children who sits on a state commission tasked with reviewing state graduation measures. 

    Roughly nine out of 10 Asian-American and white city school kids graduated within four years, compared to eight in 10 of their Black and Hispanic peers, state data show.

    “Students with disabilities, English language learners, students who are in foster care or homeless, they still are greatly lagging behind their peers in graduation rates,” she added. 

    Less than two-thirds of NYC students with disabilities graduated within four years, shares that grew slightly when they were given more time to earn a diploma, according to the state. English learners earned diplomas on time at a similar rate, while just 70% of students in temporary housing graduated within that time frame. Read article