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  • Angel in the Nursery: An Interview with Randi Levine, Policy Director at Advocates for Children of New York

    Mar 25, 2022

    03.24.2022 | New York Zero-to-Three Network | “After law school, I came to Advocates for Children and represented individual families whose children were facing barriers to accessing the early childhood services and programs they needed – children being excluded from early childhood programs because of their needs and children being denied services. I saw families hit roadblock after roadblock – but also saw the difference that advocacy can make in helping connect children with the support they need as early in life as possible.” 

    “In NYC, it has been exciting to see that there is now a promise of a pre-k seat available for every 4-year-old child, and yet we have a lot of work to do to ensure that the program is truly universal and that all children, including children with disabilities, children who are homeless, and children from immigrant families can access the programs they need. We advocated for the City to launch a task force focused on increasing access to ECE for children living in shelters, and the City was able to accomplish that. We are urging the new administration to pick this work back up and ensure every family that wants a seat in an early childhood program is able to access one.” Read article