Today, AFC and the ARISE Coalition (coordinated by AFC) are testifying before the New York City Council Committee on Education and Committee on Contracts about necessary upgrades to ensure students have safe, reliable, on-time transportation to school.
موارد السياسة
تعمل AFC على تغيير سياسة التعليم بحيث يخدم نظام المدارس العامة الجميع الأطفال بشكل فعال. ننشر تقارير السياسات وتحليلات البيانات، ونشهد على مستوى المدينة والولاية، ونتحدث علنًا في الصحافة لجذب الانتباه إلى التحديات التي تواجه الطلاب والأسر التي نخدمها، وننضم إلى المدافعين الآخرين وأولياء الأمور والشباب والمعلمين للدعوة إلى يتغير.
More than 115 Organizations Call for Changes to New York State’s School Funding Formula
Every child in New York State has the right to a sound, basic education—and providing such an education requires adequate and equitable funding. More than 115 organizations are calling on Governor Hochul and the New York State Legislature to revamp New York’s outdated school funding formula to ensure schools have the resources necessary to provide a high-quality education to all students, with particular attention to those who have the greatest needs.22 Results Found
اليوم، تدلي مؤسسة التمويل الإفريقية وتحالف ARISE (الذي تتولى مؤسسة التمويل الإفريقية تنسيقه) بشهادتهما أمام لجنة التعليم ولجنة المالية بمجلس مدينة نيويورك فيما يتعلق بالميزانية التنفيذية للسنة المالية 2025 والخطة الرأسمالية للسنة المالية 2025-2029. تدعو شهادتنا المدينة إلى الحفاظ على التمويل للعديد من البرامج المهمة التي لا تزال قيد التقطيع واستثمار $1.25B لإتاحة الوصول إلى المزيد من المدارس.
اليوم، تقوم AFC وتحالف ARISE (الذي تنسقه AFC) بالإدلاء بشهادتهما في جلسة الاستماع الأولية للميزانية التمهيدية للجنة مجلس مدينة نيويورك للتعليم. تتعرض العديد من برامج التعليم والخدمات ومناصب الموظفين حاليًا لخطر التخفيضات الكبيرة نتيجة لانتهاء تمويل التحفيز الفيدرالي، وانتهاء تمويل المدينة لمدة عام واحد، وخفض الميزانية الأولية بأكثر من $700 مليون.
AFC and the ARISE Coalition (coordinated by AFC) testified before the City Council Committee on Education about the serious obstacles that students with disabilities and their families continue to experience every day on the ground. Every day, Advocates for Children hears from parents struggling to get their children with disabilities the education they need.
AFC and the ARISE Coalition (coordinated by AFC) testified before the City Council Committee on Finance regarding the FY 23 Executive Budget, urging the City to invest in targeted initiatives to support English Language Learners, students with disabilities, students who are homeless or in foster care, and students with mental health needs.
AFC and the ARISE Coalition (coordinated by AFC) testified before the City Council Committee on Education regarding the FY 23 preliminary education budget, urging the City to reject proposed cuts to education, including the DOE hiring freeze, and invest in initiatives to support the students with the greatest needs.
AFC and the ARISE Coalition (coordinated by AFC) testified before the City Council Committee on Youth Services about the need to ensure the City’s summer programming provides the support needed to truly serve all students, including students with disabilities.
AFC and the ARISE Coalition (coordinated by AFC) testified before the City Council Committee on Education on the continued work needed to strengthen the DOE’s academic recovery plans this year. While we appreciate that the City is using this funding for some important initiatives, we worry there is still inadequate detail about how the funding will be used, inadequate funding for key priorities, and too much discretion and responsibility left to individual schools that already have their hands full reopening schools and keeping school communities safe.
AFC and the ARISE Coalition (coordinated by AFC) testified before the City Council Committee on Finance on the Executive Budget, outlining our priorities for the historic influx of education funding from the state and federal governments. The City must use that funding effectively to provide needed academic and social-emotional support, incorporating outreach to students and families who have not yet re-engaged and specialized support for students who need it.
AFC and the ARISE Coalition (coordinated by AFC) testified before the City Council Committee on Education on the preliminary budget for Fiscal Year 2022, outlining our priorities for an ambitious education initiative to direct the largest one-time federal investment in education in our nation’s history.