This policy brief highlights disparities in school attendance during the pandemic and calls on the City to invest in an ambitious Education Recovery Plan that ensures all students can receive the academic and social-emotional support they need as they return to school.
موارد السياسة
تعمل AFC على تغيير سياسة التعليم بحيث يخدم نظام المدارس العامة الجميع الأطفال بشكل فعال. ننشر تقارير السياسات وتحليلات البيانات، ونشهد على مستوى المدينة والولاية، ونتحدث علنًا في الصحافة لجذب الانتباه إلى التحديات التي تواجه الطلاب والأسر التي نخدمها، وننضم إلى المدافعين الآخرين وأولياء الأمور والشباب والمعلمين للدعوة إلى يتغير.
More than 115 Organizations Call for Changes to New York State’s School Funding Formula
Every child in New York State has the right to a sound, basic education—and providing such an education requires adequate and equitable funding. More than 115 organizations are calling on Governor Hochul and the New York State Legislature to revamp New York’s outdated school funding formula to ensure schools have the resources necessary to provide a high-quality education to all students, with particular attention to those who have the greatest needs.تم العثور على 161 نتيجة
More than 100 organizations sent a letter to Mayor de Blasio making the point that 3-K and Pre-K will never be “for all” until the City addresses the continuing shortage of seats in preschool special education classes—a shortage that has left young children with disabilities who have a legal right to such a class sitting at home or in settings that cannot provide the support they need.
Advocates for Children of New York (AFC) issued the following response to Mayor de Blasio’s announcement that New York City plans to use federal COVID-19 education relief funding to expand 3-K citywide.
With the federal government having approved the largest one-time investment in education in our nation’s history, NYC needs an ambitious education initiative to pave the way to hope and opportunity for this generation of students. Such a plan must invest resources in academic support, mental health support, and outreach and engagement. It must be targeted to assist students disproportionately impacted by the pandemic, including the provision of specialized instruction and support where needed. This plan outlines our recommendations for steps the City should take.
أرسلت أكثر من 100 منظمة تعليمية ومناصرة رسالة تحث مجلس أمناء ولاية نيويورك ووزارة التعليم بالولاية مرة أخرى على منح الطلاب الذين يبلغون من العمر 21 عامًا والذين قد يتقدمون في السن خارج المدرسة هذا العام، فرصة العودة إلى المدرسة الثانوية من أجل العام الدراسي 2021-22.
AFC submitted comments on proposed changes to Chancellor’s Regulation A-701 regarding school health services.
Today, Advocates for Children of New York (AFC) issued the following response to the release of the New York City Department of Education (DOE)’s special education data report for the months of July through October 2020, and as of mid-January 2021.
On January 28, 2021, AFC testified at the New York State Joint Legislative Hearing on the 2021-2022 Elementary and Secondary Education Budget proposal, urging legislators to increase, and not cut, state education funding and ensure schools can use their full COVID-19 relief funding to reopen schools and help students catch up.
يتناول موجز البيانات هذا الصادر في يناير 2021 الانخفاض الحاد خلال جائحة كوفيد-19 في عدد الرضع والأطفال الصغار المحالين إلى برنامج التدخل المبكر في مدينة نيويورك (EI) لمعالجة المخاوف المتعلقة بنموهم. ونتيجة لانخفاض الإحالات، فقد أضاع آلاف الأطفال الصغار الذين يعانون من تأخر في النمو أو إعاقات فرصة التدخل في الوقت الذي يكون فيه التدخل أكثر فعالية.
AFC testified before the City Council Committee on Education and Committee on Women and Gender Equity about the related issues of a shortage of preschool special education programs, and the problem of Learning Bridges child care programs excluding children with disabilities.