تخطى الى المحتوى

  • الاتحاد الآسيوي في الأخبار
  • البرامج التي تساعد المهاجرين في مدينة نيويورك على تحقيق الاستقلال المالي معرضة للخطر

    20 يونيو 2023

    Gabina Morales transferred her daughter to a specialized high school program for non-English speakers who recently arrived in the U.S., where she found a passion for painting and drawing.
    Daily News

    NY Daily News | A half-dozen high school programs that offer intensive English classes are not expected to have the resources they need to help teenage immigrants learn the new language, according to a new analysis released Tuesday by Advocates for Children of New York.

    And hundreds of undocumented immigrants could lose access to subsidized child care by the end of the month with the expiration of a program open to all parents regardless of immigration status that freed them up to work, find housing and apply for asylum.

    As more young people who did not speak English immigrated to NYC, the city rolled out new programs last fall at six existing alternative high schools in the outer boroughs, where many migrants live.

    But each principal was allocated only $50,000 for the initiative — less than the cost of hiring just one Spanish-speaking staffer, the advocates found. They are looking for an additional $3 million to strengthen these programs.

    “It’s just such a small amount of money that it’s hard to imagine that it can go far at all,” said Rita Rodriguez-Engberg, director of the Immigrant Students’ Rights Project at Advocates for Children. “You can’t hire a single teacher or social worker with that amount because it can’t cover a full salary.”
