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  • AFC in the News
  • Advocates for Children of New York works with DOE to bolster literacy

    May 3, 2022

    05.02.2022 | amNewYork | “Every parent sends their child to school assuming they will be taught to read. Yet when students struggle, parents often have to find help on their own,” said Kim Sweet, Executive Director of AFC. “As a city, we need to stop accepting that unacceptable outcome and provide the literacy instruction and support needed to make all children proficient readers.” 

    Literacy challenges are far from a new struggle within NYC, and the AFC believes that under the leadership of Mayor Adams – who has candidly spoken about his struggles with dyslexia – and Chancellor Banks who has pledged to revamp literacy instruction, with $250 million already designated for “academic recovery and student supports”, the struggle to improve literacy will be met with sincerity. Read article