
Stack of books against a blurred background. (Photo by Kimberly Farmer on Unsplash)


AFC 致力于改变教育政策,以便公立学校系统能够服务于 全部 儿童有效。我们发布政策报告和数据分析,在市和州两级作证,在媒体上发声,让人们关注我们所服务的学生和家庭面临的挑战,并与其他倡导者、家长、青少年和教育工作者一起呼吁改变。

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AFC Supports Adoption and Funding of Recommendations by the Mayor’s Leadership Team on School Climate and Discipline
Elementary school student sitting at desk, head on hands. (Photo by Cavan for Adobe, Adobe Stock)
  • 新闻声明
  • AFC Supports Adoption and Funding of Recommendations by the Mayor’s Leadership Team on School Climate and Discipline

    Today, the City announced its intention to implement the recommendation of the Mayoral Leadership Team on School Climate and Discipline to modify the DOE’s discipline code to end suspensions for students in kindergarten through second grade and increase support for positive behavior interventions in schools. AFC staunchly supports the elimination of suspensions for these students and the use of a developmentally sound approach to address the behavior of young children instead.

    Jul 21, 2016

    A 代表所有人:满足纽约市公立学校残疾和非残疾学生的读写需求
    Two young girls sit back-to-back in a library, each reading a book.
  • 政策报告
  • A 代表所有人:满足纽约市公立学校残疾和非残疾学生的读写需求

    This report documents the need for urgent and sustained action to improve literacy levels for low-income students with disabilities and prepare schools to teach reading effectively for all students. It reviews research and case stories indicating that students with a wide range of disabilities are capable of learning to read if they receive appropriate instruction, discusses the key elements for teaching reading effectively, highlights a number of promising programs in NYC, and provides recommendations for implementing systemic change.

    2016 年 3 月 10 日

    An empty school desk.
  • 政策报告
  • 公民权利被暂停:纽约市特许学校纪律政策分析

    This February 2015 report describes findings made from AFC’s review of 164 New York City charter school discipline policies obtained through Freedom of Information Law requests. A significant number of City charter schools have discipline policies that fail to meet the legal requirements, leading to violations of students’ and parents’ civil rights. The report includes recommendations for state legislators to consider as they discuss raising the cap on charter schools and ensuring that charter schools serve high-needs students.

    2015 年 2 月 12 日

    16 岁升入七年级:纽约市中学的超龄学生
    Male teenager hides his head in his arms as he sits on the floor of a classroom.
  • 政策报告
  • 16 岁升入七年级:纽约市中学的超龄学生

    超过 50,000 名中学生(占纽约市公立中学学生的四分之一)至少被留级一次,超过 8,500 名学生至少被留级三次。尽管他们在学业和社会情感方面有重大需求,但纽约市传统公立学校和特许学校中针对超龄中学生的课程名额不足 450 个。这份 2014 年 9 月的政策报告关注了超龄中学生的独特需求,并为纽约市教育局 (DOE) 提供了改善这一群体成果的建议。

    2014 年 9 月 9 日