
Stack of books against a blurred background. (Photo by Kimberly Farmer on Unsplash)


AFC 致力于改变教育政策,以便公立学校系统能够服务于 全部 儿童有效。我们发布政策报告和数据分析,在市和州两级作证,在媒体上发声,让人们关注我们所服务的学生和家庭面临的挑战,并与其他倡导者、家长、青少年和教育工作者一起呼吁改变。

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AFC 与 100 多个组织联合敦促州长 Hochul 签署 A.8013 / S.6515-A
New York State capitol building
  • 签约信
  • AFC 与 100 多个组织联合敦促州长 Hochul 签署 A.8013 / S.6515-A

    AFC 联合 100 多个组织致信敦促霍楚尔州长签署法案 A.8013(Benedetto)/ S.6516-A(Mannion),该法案已获参议院和议会一致通过,旨在确保学前特殊教育项目以及州政府批准的针对有严重残疾的学龄学生的非公立学校能够获得与学区相同的支付率增长。

    2021 年 11 月 30 日

    Statement in Response to Passage of Intro 150-A, Creating a Task Force on Transportation of Students in Temporary Housing
    School bus driving over the Brooklyn Bridge, seen from above. (Photo by Polina Kuzovkova on Unsplash)
  • 新闻声明
  • Statement in Response to Passage of Intro 150-A, Creating a Task Force on Transportation of Students in Temporary Housing

    Kim Sweet, Executive Director of Advocates for Children of New York (AFC), issued the following statement in response to the New York City Council’s passage of Intro 150-A, creating a task force focused on the transportation of students in temporary housing.

    Nov 23, 2021