
  • 签约信
  • 20 多个组织呼吁教育局局长解决寄养学生的需求

    Advocates for Children joined more than 20 organizations calling on the DOE to appoint a senior-level leader to focus full-time on students in foster care and to honor its FY 2020 commitment to ensure busing for students in care.

    2020 年 6 月 25 日

    A ruler, pencil, and pens sitting on an open textbook. (Photo by Katerina Holmes from Pexels)
    Pexels 上的 Katerina Holmes 拍摄的照片

    The letter calls on the DOE to guarantee that students in foster care, who have a legal right to transportation between their foster homes and schools, are provided door-to-door transportation going forward. The pandemic has further demonstrated the need for a staff member who has expertise in the specific rights and needs of these students, can serve as a point person for schools and foster care agencies, and can ensure that DOE policies take into account students in care.

