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    Отчет и рекомендации Целевой группы партнерства школ и правосудия города Нью-Йорка за май 2013 года. Под руководством бывшего главного судьи Джудит Кэй рабочая группа собрала уникальную и знающую группу ключевых игроков из сообществ образования и правосудия, у которых ранее не было возможности сотрудничать. В докладе изложен план действий для следующего мэра по сокращению отстранений от занятий, вызовов и арестов в школах.

    30 мая 2013 г.

    In the 2011-12 school year, there were 69,694 suspensions and 2,548 arrests and summonses in the NYC public schools. Research and experience have shown that we can keep our schools safe while reducing these high rates of suspensions and arrests, which are linked to high rates of school failure, drop out, and future court involvement. We need effective and fair school discipline, with schools creating and nurturing a climate and culture that promote positive behavior, and we need targeted, consistent collaboration between the education, justice, and social service systems, as well as the communities they serve. This report, released on May 30, 2013, outlines a plan of action for the next mayor to lead a city-wide effort to keep kids in school and out of court.

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