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Stack of books against a blurred background. (Photo by Kimberly Farmer on Unsplash)

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AFC는 공립학교 시스템이 서비스를 제공할 수 있도록 교육 정책을 변경하기 위해 노력하고 있습니다. 모두 아이들을 효과적으로 우리는 정책 보고서 및 데이터 분석을 게시하고, 시 및 주 차원에서 증언하고, 언론을 통해 우리가 봉사하는 학생과 가족이 직면한 문제에 대한 관심을 환기시키고, 다른 옹호자, 부모, 청소년 및 교육자와 함께 다음 사항을 촉구합니다. 변화.

416 Results Found

필터링 기준
  • 주제
  • 리소스 유형
AFC, 차터 스쿨 관리 및 책임에 대한 시의회 청문회에서 증언
New York City City Hall Building
  • 증언 및 공개 논평
  • AFC, 차터 스쿨 관리 및 책임에 대한 시의회 청문회에서 증언

    AFC testified before the New York City Council Committee on Education on the need to improve charter school accountability and oversight, particularly with regard to discipline policies and the recruitment, enrollment, and retention of students with disabilities and English Language Learners. AFC supports the Council’s bill calling for reports to the DOE on student demographic data for all co-located schools.

    2014년 5월 6일

    AFC Testifies on the New York City Fiscal Year 2015 Preliminary Budget
    New York City City Hall Building
  • 증언 및 공개 논평
  • AFC Testifies on the New York City Fiscal Year 2015 Preliminary Budget

    AFC testified before the New York City Council Committees on General Welfare, Juvenile Justice, and Women’s Issues about the impact of the FY 2015 Preliminary Budget on early learning programs, and the importance of providing adequate funding for high-quality early childhood education programs for young children from low-income backgrounds.

    Mar 24, 2014

    AFC Submits Testimony on the 2014–2015 State Education Budget Proposal
    New York State capitol building
  • 증언 및 공개 논평
  • AFC Submits Testimony on the 2014–2015 State Education Budget Proposal

    AFC submitted testimony for the New York State Education Budget Hearing, applauding the Governor’s call to make pre-k truly universal, but pointing out that the funding in the budget proposal is insufficient to reach this goal. AFC calls on the Legislature to support Mayor de Blasio’s plan to expand pre-k rapidly in NYC and also makes recommendations regarding the Governor’s preschool special education reform, special education waiver, after-school, and anti-discrimination proposals.

    Jan 28, 2014

    뉴욕주 고등학교 졸업 경로 재검토: 학생들이 표준 달성을 보여줄 수 있는 새로운 방법 구축
    Graduating students smiling and laughing with diplomas
  • 정책 보고서
  • 뉴욕주 고등학교 졸업 경로 재검토: 학생들이 표준 달성을 보여줄 수 있는 새로운 방법 구축

    이 보고서는 다양한 학위 취득 경로 연합Advocates for Children of New York이 준비한 이 책은 표준화된 졸업 시험이 많은 학생들에게 야기하는 어려움을 조사하고 보다 유연한 시험 요건과 평가 기반 졸업장 취득 경로의 필요성을 다룹니다.

    2013년 12월 12일

    Essential Voices, Part II: Engaging Students and Parents in the Implementation of a New Teacher Evaluation System
    Male student sitting in the class and raising hand up to ask question during lecture. (Photo by Jacob Lund, Adobe Stock)
  • 정책 보고서
  • Essential Voices, Part II: Engaging Students and Parents in the Implementation of a New Teacher Evaluation System

    This October 2013 policy paper calls on the DOE to include students and parents when putting the new teacher evaluation system into practice by establishing a stakeholder advisory group to provide feedback on the policy implementation process. The paper also provides examples of structures established for this purpose in other cities and states.

    Oct 31, 2013