AFC Testifies on the 2025–2026 State Education Budget Proposal
Today, AFC is testifying at the Joint Legislative Hearing on the 2025–2026 Executive State Budget Proposal for Elementary and Secondary Education.

AFC’s testimony discusses our recommendations for changes to the Foundation Aid per-pupil funding formula; the continuing shortage of seats in preschool special education classes; and the need for investments to implement proposed changes to graduation measures, serve students with disabilities up to age 22, and expand access to high-dosage tutoring.
ال Coalition for Equitable Education Funding (co-coordinated by AFC) also testified at the hearing, focusing on concerns about the Governor’s proposed updates to the Foundation Aid formula, which would result in New York City schools receiving significantly less funding than they would without these changes.
ال التحالف من أجل مسارات متعددة للحصول على الدبلوم (coordinated by AFC) submitted written testimony, urging legislators to ensure the final budget includes funding to support implementation of the New York State Education Department’s work to create a more equitable graduation framework.