

AFC’s Postsecondary Readiness Project works with older students who need support in high school and beyond. We help students find educational programs that are right for them, including programs that offer more academic support and help prepare for life after school. When needed, we advocate to secure school placements and services for older students with disabilities. We also support students with disabilities as they plan for college and jobs, apply for social services, and otherwise prepare to live independently.

Through this work, AFC identifies trends and advocates for policy changes to expand access to special education services, work-based learning, and graduation pathways. We also offer workshops for NYC parents, youth, and service providers about the rights and options available to older students navigating high school and beyond.

  • 认识我们的团队

    Alex Elegudin

    Postsecondary Readiness Project Director

    Juliet Eisenstein

    Postsecondary Readiness Project Assistant Director

  • 安吉丽莎的故事

    在安吉丽莎的残疾开始阻碍她的学业进步六年后举行的一次制定个性化教育计划 (IEP) 的会议上,AFC 成功地争取到了将安吉丽莎安置在一所小型专门学校的机会,这所学校既可以解决安吉丽莎的焦虑问题,又可以满足她的学业需求。

  • 克里斯蒂安的故事

    AFC 能够为克里斯蒂安提供双语补习,以弥补教育部多年来未能为他提供适当教育的遗憾。

  • 莉莲的故事


    lillian and her mother at her high school graduation
  • 凯文的故事


    Kevin in cap and gown



Get information about different pathways to high school graduation, accessing social services, and preparing for the transition out of high school.


AFC 为家长、学生和专业人士提供免费研讨会和权利知识培训