
Stack of books against a blurred background. (Photo by Kimberly Farmer on Unsplash)


AFC 致力于改变教育政策,以便公立学校系统能够服务于 全部 儿童有效。我们发布政策报告和数据分析,在市和州两级作证,在媒体上发声,让人们关注我们所服务的学生和家庭面临的挑战,并与其他倡导者、家长、青少年和教育工作者一起呼吁改变。

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110 个组织敦促市长白思豪满足学龄前特殊教育课程的需求
A girl in the classroom reads from a textbook.
  • 签约信
  • 110 个组织敦促市长白思豪满足学龄前特殊教育课程的需求

    More than 100 organizations sent a letter to Mayor de Blasio making the point that 3-K and Pre-K will never be “for all” until the City addresses the continuing shortage of seats in preschool special education classes—a shortage that has left young children with disabilities who have a legal right to such a class sitting at home or in settings that cannot provide the support they need.

    2021 年 4 月 12 日

    Two teenage girls with backpacks, one wearing a face mask, walk up a flight of stairs in a subway station. (Photo by Charlotte May via Pexels)
  • 政策议程
  • 亚足联新冠肺炎疫情期间教育恢复计划

    With the federal government having approved the largest one-time investment in education in our nation’s history, NYC needs an ambitious education initiative to pave the way to hope and opportunity for this generation of students. Such a plan must invest resources in academic support, mental health support, and outreach and engagement. It must be targeted to assist students disproportionately impacted by the pandemic, including the provision of specialized instruction and support where needed. This plan outlines our recommendations for steps the City should take.

    2021 年 3 月 12 日

    AFC Testifies on Proposed School Safety Bill Package
    New York City City Hall Building
  • 证词及公众评论
  • AFC Testifies on Proposed School Safety Bill Package

    AFC testified before the New York City Council Committee on Education in support of proposed legislation regulating the New York City Police Department’s response to students in emotional crisis within public schools, significantly limiting the use of handcuffs on students in emotional crisis, and to express concern about the need for a new vision of school safety, beyond merely transferring the School Safety Division from the NYPD to the Department of Education.

    Feb 18, 2021