AFC 就 DHS 庇护所内有儿童的家庭提交了关于第 123 号引言的证词
今天,AFC 向纽约市议会公共福利委员会提交了有关第 123-2024 号法案的证词,该法案将禁止 DHS 要求在家庭申请或重新申请庇护时必须有儿童在场。

The City should be doing all it can to ensure students experiencing homelessness can get to school every day and ending practices and policies that contribute to absenteeism. Students should not have to miss school when their families apply for shelter. Intro. 123 would remove this barrier to school attendance and help prevent children, many of whom are already experiencing trauma, from being exposed to the stressful shelter intake process. We urge the Council to move forward with this bill as quickly as possible.