A brief overview of the three main English language learning programs in New York City’s public schools: English as a New Language (ENL), Transitional Bilingual Education (TBE), and Dual Language.
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A brief overview of the three main English language learning programs in New York City’s public schools: English as a New Language (ENL), Transitional Bilingual Education (TBE), and Dual Language.
This fact sheet explains the promotion and graduation requirements for ELLs in grades K-8.
This tip sheet provides information for parents of students identified as English Language Learners, including the process for identifying a student as an ELL, the specific rights ELLs have within the school system, and what services ELLs may receive. This tip sheet also outlines the rights of ELL parents and addresses several common questions that parents of ELLs may have.
当残障学生的不当行为影响到他们自己的学习或其他学生的学习和/或他们的行为导致他们被停课或被开除时,学校应该制定计划来防止不当行为并帮助学生改善行为,这是法律要求的。本信息表介绍了学校如何创建和使用功能行为评估 (FBA) 来制定行为干预计划 (BIP)。
了解儿童如何发展问题行为的过程称为“功能性行为评估”。我们可以使用“积极行为干预”来教授新的积极行为。本概述将帮助家长了解 FBA 和行为干预策略。
This tip sheet provides information for parents of students identified as English Language Learners, including the process for identifying a student as an ELL, the specific rights ELLs have within the school system, and what services ELLs may receive. This tip sheet also outlines the rights of ELL parents and addresses several common questions that parents of ELLs may have.