149 Results Found
您孩子的 IEP 是一份非常重要的文件,应该针对您孩子的需求。此工作表可帮助您为即将召开的 IEP 会议做好准备,找出您孩子在哪些方面有所进步以及在哪些方面可能需要更多支持。
您孩子的 IEP 是一份非常重要的文件,应该针对您孩子的需求。此工作表可帮助您为即将召开的 IEP 会议做好准备,找出您孩子在哪些方面有所进步以及在哪些方面可能需要更多支持。
您孩子的 IEP 是一份非常重要的文件,应该针对您孩子的需求。此工作表可帮助您为即将召开的 IEP 会议做好准备,找出您孩子在哪些方面有所进步以及在哪些方面可能需要更多支持。
您孩子的 IEP 是一份非常重要的文件,应该针对您孩子的需求。此工作表可帮助您为即将召开的 IEP 会议做好准备,找出您孩子在哪些方面有所进步以及在哪些方面可能需要更多支持。
This fact sheet is for parents of children learning English who believe their child may need special education services. In New York City public schools, children who receive services to help them learn English and who also need special education services have the right to receive both types of services.
This fact sheet is for parents of children learning English who believe their child may need special education services. This tipsheet provides an overview of bilingual special education, including the steps for obtaining an initial bilingual evaluation and the specific services and resources their child could be eligible for.
This fact sheet is for parents of children learning English who believe their child may need special education services. This tipsheet provides an overview of bilingual special education, including the steps for obtaining an initial bilingual evaluation and the specific services and resources their child could be eligible for.
This fact sheet is for parents of children learning English who believe their child may need special education services. This tipsheet provides an overview of bilingual special education, including the steps for obtaining an initial bilingual evaluation and the specific services and resources their child could be eligible for.
This fact sheet is for parents of children learning English who believe their child may need special education services. This tipsheet provides an overview of bilingual special education, including the steps for obtaining an initial bilingual evaluation and the specific services and resources their child could be eligible for.