


AFC 的免费了解您的权利指南、提示表和其他资源可以帮助您成功地为您的孩子辩护。

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  • 指导
  • 早期干预指南(西班牙语)

    出生至 3 岁的发育迟缓或残疾儿童有资格接受早期干预服务。本综合指南讨论了什么是 EI、您的孩子是否有资格、您的孩子接受 EI 服务的过程(包括个性化家庭服务计划)以及从 EI 过渡到学前特殊教育的信息。提供了区域早期干预办公室、早期儿童指导中心和特殊教育委员会的联系信息。

    最后更新:2024 年 4 月 30 日

    Guide to Early Intervention
  • 指导
  • Guide to Early Intervention

    This comprehensive guide explains the Early Intervention program for children from birth to 3 years of age with developmental delays or disabilities. The guide covers eligibility for the program, the evaluation process, services available, the Individualized Family Service Plan, families’ legal rights, information on the transition from EI to Preschool Special Education, and how to resolve issues that may arise.

    Last Updated: Jun 27, 2024

    Guide to Preschool Special Education Services (Chinese)
  • 指导
  • Guide to Preschool Special Education Services (Chinese)

    This comprehensive guide explains how families can help preschool children receive services to address their developmental delays or disabilities. It provides an overview of preschool special education, including eligibility, the evaluation process, programs and services available for preschool students, legal rights, and advocacy suggestions to resolve issues that may arise.

    最后更新:2024 年 4 月 30 日

  • 情况说明书
  • 阅读里程碑


    Last Updated: Jun 27, 2024