To speak with someone about an education-related issue, please submit the form at right, or call our Jill Chaifetz Education Helpline at (866) 427-6033 from 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM, Monday through Thursday.
对筹款有疑问吗? 请联系开发总监 Ivette Greenblatt,电话: igreenblatt@advocatesforchildren.org 或 (212) 822-9529。
媒体咨询? Please contact Leah Kramer, Communications Associate, at lkramer@advocatesforchildren.org 或 (646) 871-6739。
可访问性问题? AFC is committed to making its website accessible to the widest possible audience and makes every effort to implement the regulations of Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act. If you experience any problems with accessibility, please contact Leah Kramer at lkramer@advocatesforchildren.org.