
  • 亚足联新闻
  • NYC Announces Major Expansion Of Free Programs For Pre-Schoolers

    2021 年 3 月 24 日

    03.24.2021 | Gothamist | The nonprofit Advocates for Children said there are not enough slots for students with disabilities, who require smaller classes with a special education teacher. They estimate a shortage of 1,000 to 2,000 seats for special education pre-school classes, plus hundreds more for bilingual special education pre-school classes. 

    “当残障学龄前儿童待在家中而无法参加他们需要的课程时,3-K 和 Pre-K 永远不会‘适合所有人’,”AFC 执行董事 Kim Sweet 说道。“宣布大规模扩大 3-K 却没有计划为残障学龄前儿童提供法律要求的课程,这对需要额外帮助的孩子的父母来说是一种侮辱,并且侵犯了儿童的公民权利。” 阅读文章