
  • 亚足联新闻
  • 纽约学校的许多移民儿童都是第一次接触英语。他们正在寻找有创意的学习方法。

    2023 年 11 月 21 日

    Newly arrived New York City public school students learning English.
    Karen Yi

    Gothamist | Diana Aragundi, who works with immigrant students at Advocates for Children of New York, said while some groups are stepping up to support students learning English and creating a patchwork of support, “it doesn’t replace the need for more bilingual resources.”

    “Anything that allows them to feel like kids and to have that enrichment is really great,” she said. “Especially in hotels and in different types of shelters, it’s been really challenging for them to find places to have community.” 阅读文章