Our Vision:
All New York City students receive the education they need to maximize their potential as adults
纽约儿童倡导者组织 (AFC) 的使命是确保为学业成功面临障碍的纽约学生提供高质量的教育,重点关注低收入背景的学生。
All New York City students receive the education they need to maximize their potential as adults
We listen to what families want for their children and empower them with information and support.
We ground our advocacy in more than 50 years of experience with the NYC public schools and deep knowledge of the legal and education systems affecting the students and families we serve.
We are united by our unrelenting drive to dismantle obstacles to education and our unwavering dedication to NYC’s students and families.
We foster collaboration and inclusive practices within our team and with outside partners so we can learn from different perspectives and unite in advancing our common goals.
We view the law as a powerful tool to bridge gaps in access to education and help families from under-represented communities fight for their rights.
We recognize that our value lies in the difference we make in the lives of students and their families and push ourselves to achieve concrete results.
AFC 同时与学生及其家人并肩工作,提供他们所需的一对一指导和宣传,同时敦促进行有利于所有学生的系统性改革。
基于我们 50 年的实地经验,我们开展政策倡导,促进教育体系变革并提高教育成果。