



50 多年来,我们通过独特的服务组合与来自资源贫乏社区的纽约家庭并肩作战,所有这些服务都专注于保护教育权利和消除成功障碍,使所有学生都能茁壮成长。
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    AFC 帮助 Ashley 就读于一所靠近她庇护所的转校学校,这所学校可以为 Ashley 提供所需的小型支持性环境,确保她不会因家庭不稳定而陷入困境

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    alex sits in a bright pink room holding a kitten stuffed animal, smiling at the camera
  • 杰克的故事


    jake in front of school building wearing backpack



Tell State Leaders: Don’t Shortchange NYC Schools

Governor Hochul’s Executive Budget proposes changes to the formula used to decide how much education funding school districts get from the State for each student. While the formula is out-of-date and needs updating, the Governor’s proposal would result in NYC Public Schools getting nearly $350M less than they would without these changes. Join us in asking Governor Hochul and the NYS Legislature to update the formula to give all schools the funding they need.